Software for Database

Database Management in the Cloud Computing Era

In this article, we will consider the peculiarities of database management during the time of rapid technological growth in the cloud sphere, the variants that you can choose from in this field, as well as major benefits and issues you may encounter while using it.

Types of Cloud Computing Options

  • Public clouds. The first type offers infrastructures for many tenants, widespread globally. End-users can utilize them for their work without owning them. No special location or office is required, clients can be settled anywhere, not necessarily near the cloud facility. However, some providers may offer cloud services in the customer’s physical location as well. These options can be both paid and free, depending on the specifics of the terms of service.
  • Private clouds. They are aimed at particular groups of customers or individuals. Traditionally, they function with the users’ firewalls. These clouds can be accessed exclusively by this specific group of users. Foreign third-party users cannot get into the cloud and use the stored information. Generally, these clouds are located in the physical building of the end-user, but lately, such services have moved to the vendor location as well. Users take the responsibility of paying for their expenses on their own, as well as for management, configuration and control functions.
  • Multi-clouds. As a concept of intermixed nature, they usually contain data centers of the definite company and a number of public clouds. These options vary and may contain clouds from different vendors, either private or public ones. They can be created purposefully or emerge accidentally. Multi-clouds help increase security and expand functionality in the working environment.
  • Hybrid clouds. Being a composite option, it unites the qualities of public ones with the ones located on premises. It is a combination of numerous environments that are all interconnected via several networks configured locally. The features of such types of clouds may vary drastically depending on the peculiarities of users and their particular needs. They can include more than 2 different clouds. All these cloud environments are handled conjointly through one unified management system.

Benefits of Database Management in Cloud Computing

Accelerated Working Routine

Cloud databases will help your team communicate better, regardless of the location of team members and their access to the physical office of your enterprise.

Simplified Operation

With digitized processes, it is easier to maintain simple and smart operations in the company, while the employees and other users will have one tool to access all the information. 

Economical Approach

You do not need to buy extra space if you do not need it. You can make a purchase when you really require it. This helps to save monetary resources and allocate them better.

Scalable System

Companies can grow business and conquer new markets, which leads to the further requirement of new space for storage of all the corporate information, personal data of clients, their details, and other confidential data.

Increased Convenience

Overall, the management of all information you use on a regular basis will be quicker and far more stable and reliable than in the case of traditional old-fashioned management systems. 

Regular Updating

You will have inbuilt upgrading features, that will grant you robust opportunities for constant updating and improvement of the product you have.


To boost your data security, you can enjoy the opportunity to automate backups and recoveries in case of emergence.

Issues of Database Management in Cloud Computing

  • Limits in sizing. When customers rely on database-as-a-service options, they can face certain difficulties regarding capacities they can use. If you want to solve such problems and grow your enterprise to scale your business, you may consider managed storage
  • Information security. Don’t forget that the confidential information of your company and your employees, as well as the private details of your customers, is stored in the cloud, and it is vital for proper functioning to ensure a high level of protection. 
  • Efficiency of the database. You should also consider how efficiently your database will work. In the case of public clouds, it will result from the capacity that you provide to them. If it is not enough, the solution is to change it to some more pricey option. Consequently, if you need a great amount of space and tend to increase your capacity every once in a while, bear in mind that it may and is likely to result in huge extra costs.
  • Changes after migration to the cloud. Companies have used traditional, old-fashioned databases for years before the emergence of advanced cloud options. To make a move towards new methods and approaches, one should be prepared to be ready to learn and adapt to the innovations in the working routine. When you have migrated to the cloud, make sure your personnel is educated enough to handle it properly. 

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