Software for Database

DBMS as a Cloud service: Advantages and Disadvantages

Companies of all scales actively implement database management systems (DBMS). These instruments allow their employees and customers to access the necessary information quickly and easily. 

Lately, the IT-sphere has witnessed a great shift towards cloud technologies in many industrial domains. Cloud migration services & solutions for DBMS can really upgrade your business. So what are their most important positive and negative sides? In this article, we will try to answer this question and concentrate on why you may want to implement them in your enterprise.

Advantages of Implementing DBMS as a Cloud

Ceaseless Availability

Cloud database systems possess inbuilt functionalities for providing incessant back-ups and recoveries whenever needed. Thanks to this feature, in case of emergency there will be no risks of undesired deletion of indispensable information that was previously stored in the cloud.

Large Chunks of Information

When we compare cloud databases to old-fashioned ones, one should notice that the cloud variant offers much more space to store massive datasets without degrading the quality of work. If you require more space, you can enlarge the space according to your desires and preferences so that it would be able to keep all the files you wish.

Multi-faceted Approach

When you decide to digitize all your company’s workflows, implementing cloud DBMS will be a great benefit for you. It will influence other procedures in your enterprise and will facilitate the realization of your corporate strategies, and it will definitely increase the efficiency and productivity of your team efforts.

Total Costs

Let’s put traditional and cloud databases into comparison regarding their price. To enlarge your current storage space and server power, the cloud option is far more cost-effective. If you are looking for a prudent solution, don’t overlook it. What is more, it is cheaper to maintain your cloud and receive customer service as well.

Enhanced Flexibility

If you keep your database management systems in the cloud, you will free your enterprise from the burden of the necessity to manage your resources on your own. Besides, you always can grow the storage space to the extent you want. IT companies that offer cloud technologies, strive to improve their products regularly so that you can enjoy these enhancements, scale and manage your assets easily.

Access the Information Remotely

It is possible to access the required information remotely. With the help of smartphones, tablets and other electronic portable gadgets, you can effortlessly access the needed information even if you are not present in the office physically.

Increased Security

Previously, when you move confidential data to cloud storage, it was able to pose threat to the safety of your company. On the contrary, contemporary options are much more powerful and protected against any malicious attempts. The protection systems are more sophisticated and elaborate, so the risks of cyber attackers penetrating the system are insignificant.

Disadvantages of Implementing DBMS as a Cloud 

Difficult to Change Vendors

Companies chose vendors, and afterward, unfortunately, in most cases, it is rather problematic to reorganize infrastructures and transfer them to other providers. To avoid possible complications, devote attention to the configuration of your systems. It will help to get a better grasp of how your systems are functioning and subsequently decide on the best options for storage in the future.


In case the companies decide to grow on the market and scale their sizes, they should be ready for more expenses to deal with the necessity for extra storage space as well. Subsequently, prices show an upward tendency, which can result in extra costs and resource waste.

Sensitive Systems

As a rule, vendors provide high-quality all-round security features. Nevertheless, one should not forget that there are absolutely no unbreakable systems in the world. Hacking attacks always pose a substantial threat to the confidentiality of private and enterprise content, which is obligatory to be kept secret. To eliminate such possible dangers, you should ensure all your employees comply with the strict guidelines and instructions to maintain the necessary level of protection against hacking.


If your network faces problems with Internet connections, it will mean certain difficulties in obtaining access to the stored data. To function properly, a cloud service requires a stable connection to the web. However, as luck would have it, these issues are uncontrollable by both companies and service providers. So try to ensure reliable Internet services while your work efficiency will depend on it.


In this article, we have considered the main characteristics that may help you make the correct decision on whether to try cloud DBMS or not. When deciding to move to groundbreaking methods of managing your data, pay attention not only to their positive sides but also to potential challenges that may arise in the course of using these solutions.

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